Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dearest Susan:
You were an extraordinary daughter, sister, mother, aunt, great-aunt, and friend.
As a daughter, you were always there at your mother’s side,
living near her and taking care of her.
As a sister, you were the quintessential balance of all your brothers,
presenting a female perspective among the differing brothers’ personalities.
As a mother, your love for Casey knew no bounds;
she was “your precious child.””
As an aunt, you spoiled you nephews, nieces, and grand nieces with your love and support;
you were always there to lend a helping hand and guide them through their growing adventures.
Last but not least, you were a friend to us all;
we were so fortunate to have you as part of our family.
You were such a compassionate person;
your ability to always give of yourself has been an inspiration to us all.
Your love for all things in life is what made you so special.
We will surely miss you, but your loving memory will forever remain close to our hearts.
Love Always,
Arthur, Nancy, Cindy, Jason, Alan, Belinda, Ashley, Madison, and Kobi
Ben, Anita, Jeffrey, and Kirsty
Kirk, May, Brian, Lydia, and Clifford
Orson, Debbie, A.J., and Tim


Unknown said...

Though I only knew Susan for the past four years, she was always up beat and gung ho for Jesus. I can remember her sitting in our prayer class filled with the love of Jesus as we prayed for her and others during our classes. Then I was blessed to spend each Wednesday with her in song, prayer and communion for the last ten weeks of her life and to share and support her with the love of the Lord as she made her final preparations to go home.

My fondest memories will be seeing her sitting upon her bed the week before she went home, blowing kisses to all of us and telling us if we don't see her next week, she'll see us in her new home in heaven.

I'll miss our times together but I know that through her life I gained so much understanding of how to bless others in their final days of life.

To Susan: yes, there is such a thing as Hospice Ministry.

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

I am blessed to know you in the WCCCC ministry. You set an example for me how to be a leader in God's eyes. Your service for the Lord was such an inspiration to me. I would never forget your love and care. I feel young when you always refer me as "little brother". =)

Not only you were a blessing to me, but also to everyone around you.

You will truly be missed. See you in heaven!!

Your little brother in Christ,

Unknown said...

Dear Susan,

Thank you for your love. I am blessed beyond words for our sisterhood which at times seemed more like mother-daughter conversations. Thank you for being tough with me and helping me learn to grow more in love with God. Through our conversations and times together, I have grown so much because of you.

I will miss you, but I know that I will see you in Heaven. See you later sis.


Anonymous said...

Dear Susan:
I met you when i was 15 and you were 20. You introduced me to Jesus. You were always compassionate towards me in the multiple times that i was in the hospital. You brought groceries to me when I was recovering at home. You moved a couch into my apartment when I didn't have one.
When I had marital problems, you came to visit me and allowed me to stay with you several times when i did not have a place to stay at. You never judged me but always listened. You always spoke with a sweet and gentle voice.
Thank you for being such a good and caring friend to me for more than thirty years.
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Dear Susan,

First time to know you, I were afraid by your strict personality -- Later, I got chance to share with you :)

At 2001 W4C PC/EC retreat during morning devotion, you encouraged us: by looking back for what goodness God had brought in our individual life, surely we know what great life are ahead of us in puting our believe and faith in Him. It inspired me because you are speaking about your true/personal experience with God in your life.

I knew you more during Oct. visitation last year - Your willingness, selfishless in following God's calling. Even those kind words and smile to another car driver on the street told me about you on that day. You said one day we'll be seeing and sitting with each other in the heaven to ask about "what's going on at that time?"

Today, we celebrate your home-returning...Yes, a much greater place to be in because it's God's unchangable promise and we are His children. What a blessing!!


Patricia said...

As families and friends are gathering right now in San Francisco celebrating your life and home-going, I am by myself in St. Louis, thinking about you, pondering what it is like to be "comforted by Abraham's side", and to be "with the Lord in paradise"...

I thank the Lord for our friendship which began when we were still teenagers at True Sunshine. I always looked up to you for your love for the Lord, a love that manifested in your submission to his will, in your caring for his flock, and especially in your delight in himself. I wanted to be like you.

But the Lord has different plans for us, and we embarked on our separate journeys. I seldom travel when the children were young, so we really did not see much of each other, even after you came back from Asia. Still you remain my inspiration as I seek the Lord and grow to love him.

When I visited you in April, I was delighted to find the same Susan in spirit, upbeat, faithful, honest, though noticeably tired and much thinner. I knew before my trip that instead of me ministering to you, I might end up being ministered to, and that was very much the case. You have shown me not only how to live well, but also how to die well.

But mainly you have demonstrated the law of sowing and reaping. I looked through your albums and scrapbooks, and was touched by the many "children" you have given life to and nurtured, and the many fruits you have brought forth. I told your mother that even though you had never married, you had more children, even godly ones, than any married women. Your life and your investment in the people God brought to you have yielded great gain for the Kingdom, and great treasures in heaven!

And I thank the Lord that though old friends like myself could not be there for you in your difficult days, you were surrounded by so many loving family members and caring friends. (Yes, Arnold, I too believe in hospice ministry.) And I thank the Lord for his steadfast love to his little lambs all these years who, like myself, have grown by his grace into mature sheep by now. (Hello, Linda! And all the Lees!)

Now I thank the Lord for cradling you in his bossom. Enjoy your much earned rest in him, my dear Sister. We shall look forward to our resurrection and our reunion, and the glorious Wedding when we shall be united with our beloved Bridegroom throughout eternity!


jacko said...

Dear Susan,

You've always told me to be strong and that this day would come and I merely regret that I didn't have a chance to thank you for so many things. Though I know you already knew.

Thank you for patiently teaching Sunday school to myself and so many rebellious high schoolers. Many (if not all) have gone on to serve the Lord. Thank you for encouraging me at W4C just by treating me as someone special to you. Thank you for listening, praying and mentoring me throughout WCC. A lot of the decisions I made were not because of anything you said but because you so faithfully prayed with me. Thank you for meeting with me for the past two years even though you were tired.

You have been the only one this stubborn little girl has ever listened to and taken advice seriously from. You have not only supported me but also many of my friends who may not get to know you until we see each other again.

Thanks for being honest, it's what I needed most. I wish there was something I could have done more for you. Your words to me at WCC will not be easily forgotten. Thanks for cheering me on, even still. I hope only to be able to fight the good fight as faithfully as you did.

See you someday!

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father, What a gift of life you gave to each of us in the person of Susan Leong. How she loved you! How she loved her family and hoped that each one of them would come to know the joy she had and has in You!
Thank you for enabling her to go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and go through it triumphantly!
Thank you for giving my daughters the opportunity to meet Susan and to become inspired Women of God who live their lives bravely for You and for only You.
Thank you Jesus for the glory you display through the life of Susan.
Thank you Lord for the promise that we will meet you and Susan again face to face.
God is good, all the time God is good.

Josie Wong

Anonymous said...

Susan, my relationship with you was so much more than that of a friend. You saw me as I am and pierced through the protective shell that others see. You truly cared for how the world treated one another and sought to provide the caring touch for those who were mistreated. All were on equal footing with you.

Yes - I worked with you but as you said in a wondrous note to me "our friendship is no coincidence." And the utter simplicity and impact of those words will remain with me. I will miss you Susan - thank you for that friendship.

Pat said...


Thank you for showing the way to Jesus to me and the rest of the gang at True Sunshine during the mid-late 70's. Praise the Lord that many of us are still walking with Him after all these years, and some even in full-time Christian service.

I, too, have been inspired by Randy Alcorn's book "Heaven" and am more eager than ever to see the Lord face to face in that place where there is no longer any sin, sickness or death. And so I am glad for you, and so look forward to greeting you there.

Thank you, my dear sister and spiritual mother, for living and giving your life all for Jesus.

Much love,
